Изменение приоритетов развития сельских территорий в условиях усиления глобальной нестабильности CHANGING PRIORITIES OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONDITIONS OF INCREASING GLOBAL INSTABILITY
ВяльшинаА.А., к.социол.н., ИАгП РАН Vyalshina A.A., candidate of sociological sciences, Institute of Agrarian Problems – Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Saratov Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science
В работе представлен анализ теоретических и практических подходов, направленных на смену приоритетов развития сельских территорий в условиях социально-экономической нестабильности. Показано, что теоретико-методологический подход --устойчивости через преодоление уязвимости - обладает потенциалом практического применения при оценке возможностей поглощения действия негативных факторов, адаптации к изменившимся условиям и при поиске возможностей восстановления. Проанализирован опыт стран ЕС в смещении приоритетов сельского развития с территориальной сплоченности к территориальной справедливости. Сделан вывод о том, что полученные результаты исследования могут быть использованы при корректировке стратегий комплексного социально-экономического развития сельских территорий России. The paper presents an analysis of theoretical and practical approaches aimed at changing the priorities of rural development in conditions of socio-economic instability. It is shown that the theoretical and methodological approach of resilience through overcoming vulnerability has the potential of practical application in assessing the possibilities of absorbing the effects of negative factors, adapting to changed conditions and searching for recovery opportunities. The experience of the EU countries in shifting the priorities of rural development from territorial cohesion to territorial justice is analyzed. It is concluded that the obtained results of the study can be used to adjust the strategies of integrated socio-economic development of rural areas of Russia.
Ключевые слова: сельские территории, приоритеты, глобальные тренды, социально-экономическая нестабильность Keywords: rural areas, priorities, global trends, socio-economic instability
Список источников
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13. Müller O., Sutter O., Wohlgemuth S. Learning to LEADER. Ritualised Performances of ‘Participation’ in Local Arenas of Participatory Rural Governance. Sociol. Rural. 2020;(60): 222–242.
14. Jones R., Goodwin-Hawkins B., Woods M. From Territorial Cohesion to Regional Spatial Justice: The Well-Being of Future Generations Act in Wales. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 2020;44(5): 894-912.
1. World Social Report 2021: Reconsidering Rural Development. – URL:: https://www.un.org/development/desa/dspd/2021/05/wsr2021/
2. Nazrul I., Iversen K. From ‘structural change’ to ‘transformative change’: Rationale and implications. UN DESA Working Paper. 2018;(155).
3. The Strategy of Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 151-r dated February 2, 2015). - URL: static.government.ru›media/files/Fw1kbNXVJxQ.pdf (In Russ)
4. Comprehensive survey of living conditions of the population (Rosstat 2011, 2014, 2018, 2020). – URL: https://rosstat.gov.ru/itog_inspect (In Russ)
5. Proag V. The concept of vulnerability and resilience. Procedia Economics and Finance. 2014;(18):369–376.
6. Moenc, M. Adapting to climate change and the risks associated with other natural hazards: Methods for moving from concepts to action. In The Earthscan reader on adaptation to climate change. 2009: 249–280.
7. Ahmed F., Ahmed N., Pissarides C., Stiglitz J. Why inequality could spread COVID-19. The Lancet. Public Health. 2020;5(5):e240.
8. Mitaritonna C., Ragot L. After Covid-19, will seasonal migrant agricultural workers in Europe be replaced by robots? CEPII Policy Brief. 2020;(33). - URL: http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/pb/abstract.asp?NoDoc=12680
9. Neff L.M. Hidden hunger: food insecurity in the age of coronavirus. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2020;112(5):1160–1161.
10. Nicola M., Alsaf, Z., Sohrab, C., Kerwan A., Al-Jabir A., Iosifidis C., Agha M., Agha R. The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). A review. International Journal of Surgery. 2020;(78):185–193.
11. Phillipson J., Gorton M., Turner R., Shucksmith M., Aitken-McDermott K., Areal F., Cowie P., Hubbard C., Maioli S., McAreavey R., Souza-Monteiro D., Newbery R., Panzone L., Rowe F., Shortall S. The COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for rural economies. Sustainability. 2020;12(10):3973.
12. Štreimikienė D., Baležentis T., Volkov A., Ribašauskienė E., Morkūnas M., Žičkienė A. Negative effects of covid-19 pandemic on agriculture: systematic literature review in the frameworks of vulnerability, resilience and risks involved. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. 2021.
Wieliczko B., Kurdy´s-Kujawska A., Florianczyk Z. EU Rural Policy’s Capacity to Facilitate a Just Sustainability Transition of the Rural Areas. Energies. 2021;(14):5050.
13. Müller O., Sutter O., Wohlgemuth S. Learning to LEADER. Ritualised Performances of ‘Participation’ in Local Arenas of Participatory Rural Governance. Sociol. Rural. 2020;(60): 222–242.
14. Jones R., Goodwin-Hawkins B., Woods M. From Territorial Cohesion to Regional Spatial Justice: The Well-Being of Future Generations Act in Wales. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 2020;44(5): 894-912.
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