Блинова Т.В., д.э.н., ИАгП РАН Blinova T.V., doctor of economic sciences, IAgP RAS
На основе сопоставления результатов исследования репродуктивных установок молодежи, представленных в отечественной и зарубежной литературе, анализа данных пилотного опроса студентов аграрного университета, проведенного в Саратове (ноябрь-декабрь 2020 г.), исследованы ценностные ориентации и определено место детей в иерархии ценностей молодежи. Изучены представления об идеальном количестве детей в семье, выявлены гендерные и сельско-городские различия, особенности отношения к модели «childfree» (добровольной бездетности), оценено влияние пандемии Covid-19 на принятие решения о рождении ребенка. Based on a comparison of the results of a study of the reproductive attitudes of young people presented in domestic and foreign literature, an analysis of data from a pilot survey of students of an agricultural university conducted in Saratov (November-December 2020), value orientations were studied and the place of children in the hierarchy of youth values was determined. The ideas about the ideal number of children in a family were studied, gender and rural-urban differences were identified; the peculiarities of attitudes towards the “childfree” model (voluntary childlessness), the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the decision to have a child was assessed.
Ключевые слова: репродуктивные установки, студенты, сельско-городские и гендерные различия, пилотный опрос, пандемия Covid-19 Keywords: reproductive attitudes, students, rural-urban and gender differences, pilot survey, Covid-19 pandemic
Список источников
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1. Lesthaeghe, R. The second demographic transition: A concise overview of its development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014:(111):18112–18115.
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5. Cherlin A. Goode's world revolution and family patterns: A reconsideration at fifty years. Population and Development Review. 2012;(38): 577–607.
6. Thornton A., Young-DeMarco L. Four decades of trends in attitudes towards family issues in the United States: The 1960s through the 1990s. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2004;(63): 1009–1037.
7. Manning W., Smock P., Majumdar D. The relative stability of cohabiting and marital unions for children. Population Research and Policy Review. 2004;(23): 135–159.
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11. Casterline J. Prospects for fertility decline in Africa. Population and Development Review. 2017;43(S1): 3–18.
12. Madsen J., Moslehi S., Wang C. What has driven the great fertility decline in developing countries since 1960? The Journal of Development Studies. 2018; (54): 738–757.
13. Kreyenfeld M., Konietzka D. Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, causes, and consequences. Demographic Research Monographs. Springer International Publishing. 2017.
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20. Dunaeva O.N. Gender resource of society: matrimony and parenthood. Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. Socio-economic and legal studies. 2016;2(4): 38-49. (In Russ)
21. Blinova T.V. The attitude of rural women to additional measures of demographic policy. Regional agricultural systems: economics and sociology. 2018;(1):18. (In Russ)
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25. Kalachikova O.N., Gruzdeva M.A. Social vulnerability of families with children in modern Russia. Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. 2019;12(2):147-160. (In Russ)
26. Kletsina I.S., Ioffe E.V. Norms of female behavior: traditional and modern models. Woman in Russian society. 2019;(3): 72-90. (In Russ)
27. Blinova T.V., Vyalshina A.A. Social well-being of working mothers: contemporary problems. Woman in Russian society. 2020;(3):103-114. (In Russ)
28. Rusanova N.E. Birth rate after the pandemic: "baby boom" or "demographic pit"? Bulletin of the Moscow University of Finance and Law. 2020;(4):151-159. (In Russ)
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