Блинова Т.В., д.э.н., ИАгП РАН, Марков В.А., к.э.н., Научный экспертно-аналитический центр АН Республики Саха Blinova T.V., doctor of economic sciences, IAgP RAS, Markov V.A., candidate of economics sciences, Scientific Expert and Analytical Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Статья посвящена исследованию и моделированию гендерных различий в циклической реакции сельской безработицы на экономические колебания с использованием модели Оукена. На основе оценки значений коэффициента Оукена измерялась зависимость между динамикой выпуска и реакцией сельской безработицы как мужской, так и женской. Результаты исследования показали, что степень чувствительности мужской сельской безработицы к деловому циклу оказалась более высокой, чем женской. The article is devoted to the study and modeling of gender differences in the cyclical response of rural unemployment to economic fluctuations using the Okun model. Based on the assessment of the values of the Okun coefficient, the relationship between the dynamics of output and the response of rural unemployment, both male and female, was measured. The results of the study showed that the degree of sensitivity of male rural unemployment to the business cycle was higher than that of female unemployment.
Ключевые слова: сельская безработица, закон Оукена, экономические колебания, гендерные различия Keywords: rural unemployment, Okun's law, economic fluctuations, gender differences
Список источников
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2. Evans A. Okun coefficients and participation coefficients by age and gender. IZA Journal of Labor Economics. 2018;7(5): 1-22.
3. Zanin L On Okun’s Law in OECD countries: an analysis by age cohorts. Economics Letters. 2014; 125(2): 243–248.
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6. Kargi B. Okun’s law and long term cointegration analysis for OECD countries (1987–2012). International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. 2014; (119): 77–85.
7. Blinova T.V., Rusanovskii V.A., Markov V.A. Assessment of the reaction of cyclical unemployment to the economic decline and recovery growth in Russia. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast. 2020: 13(6): 184–198. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.6.72.11.
8. Blinova T.V., Rusanovskii V.A., Markov V.A. Estimating the Impact of Economic Fluctuations on Unemployment in Russian Regions Based on the Okun Model. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2021: 32(1): 103-110. DOI: 10.1134/S1075700721010032
9. Boeri T., Jimeno J. F. Learning from the Great Divergence in Unemployment in Europe during the Crisis. Labour Economics. 2016; (41): 32–46. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco. 2016.05.022.
10. Dixon, R. Lim, G. C. and J. C. van Ours Revisiting the Okun relationship. Applied Economics. 2017; 49:28, 2749-2765. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1245846
11. O'Higgins N. This Time It's Different? Youth Labour Markets during ‘The Great Recession’. Comparative Economic Studies. 2012; (54):395–412. DOI: 10.1057/ces. 2012.15.
12. Блинова Т.В., Марков В.А. Влияние темпов сельскохозяйственного производства на уровень сельской безработицы // АПК: экономика, управление. 2021. № 8. С. 3-8.
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14. Блинова Т.В. Факторы сельской безработицы в период экономической рецессии // АПК: экономика, управление. 2020. № 4. С.62-68.
15. Tombolo G., Hasegawa M. Okun’s law: Evidence for the Brazilian economy. The Economic Research Guardian. 2014; 4(1): 2–12.
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1. Okun A.M. Potential GNP: Its Measurement and Significance. American Statistical Association. Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section. 1962: 98-104.
2. Evans A. Okun coefficients and participation coefficients by age and gender. IZA Journal of Labor Economics. 2018;7(5): 1-22.
3. Zanin L On Okun’s Law in OECD countries: an analysis by age cohorts. Economics Letters. 2014; 125(2): 243–248.
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5. Vakulenko E.S., Gurvich E.T. The relationship of GDP, unemployment and employment: an in-depth analysis of the Oaken Law for Russia. Economic issues. 2015; (3): 5-27. (in Russ)
6. Kargi B. Okun’s law and long term cointegration analysis for OECD countries (1987–2012). International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. 2014; (119): 77–85.
7. Blinova T.V., Rusanovskii V.A., Markov V.A. Assessment of the reaction of cyclical unemployment to the economic decline and recovery growth in Russia. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast. 2020: 13(6): 184–198. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2020.6.72.11.
8. Blinova T.V., Rusanovskii V.A., Markov V.A. Estimating the Impact of Economic Fluctuations on Unemployment in Russian Regions Based on the Okun Model. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2021: 32(1): 103-110. DOI: 10.1134/S1075700721010032
9. Boeri T., Jimeno J. F. Learning from the Great Divergence in Unemployment in Europe during the Crisis. Labour Economics. 2016; (41): 32–46. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco. 2016.05.022.
10. Dixon, R. Lim, G. C. and J. C. van Ours Revisiting the Okun relationship. Applied Economics. 2017; 49:28, 2749-2765. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1245846
11. O'Higgins N. This Time It's Different? Youth Labour Markets during ‘The Great Recession’. Comparative Economic Studies. 2012; (54):395–412. DOI: 10.1057/ces. 2012.15.
12. Blinova T.V., Markov V.A. The influence of agricultural production rates on the level of rural unemployment. Agroindustrial complex: economics, management. 2021; (8): 3-8. (In Russ)
13. Youth labor market: assessment and modeling of interregional differences. M, 2016. (In Russ)
14. Blinova T.V. Factors of rural unemployment during the economic recession. Agroindustrial complex: economics, management. 2020; (4): 62-68. (In Russ)
15. Tombolo G., Hasegawa M. Okun’s law: Evidence for the Brazilian economy. The Economic Research Guardian. 2014; 4(1): 2–12.
16. Boulhol H., Sicari P. Labour Market Performance by Age Groups: A Focus on France, OECD Economics Department Working Papers. 2013: 1027.
17. Chekmarev O.P., Lukichev P.M., Konev P.A. Factors of changes in the Russian labor market under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and employer adaptation strategies. Labor economics. 2021; 8(4): 329-340.
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